Lawrence of Arabia
Lawrence of Arabia

'Lawrence of Arabia' trivia and fun facts

First time on a camel

The first time Peter O'Toole tried riding a camel, blood oozed from his jeans. "This is a very delicate Irish arse", he warned his instructor". He finally mastered his camel-riding technique by adding a layer of sponge rubber under the saddle

Lens of 482 mm

To film Omar Sharif's entrance through a mirage, Freddie Young used a special 482mm lens from Panavision. Panavision still has this lens, and it is known among cinematographers as the "David Lean lens". It was created specifically for this shot and has not been used since.

When Peter O'Toole watched the film for the first time

Peter O'Toole afirmó que nunca vio la película completa hasta casi dos décadas después de su estreno original, momento en el que quedó muy impresionado.

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