La inocencia
La inocencia

'La inocencia' trivia and fun facts

Real story

The film tells the real story of the director, who comes back to her native village. She has commented that has brought many difficulties into the set, but has also made the film something realistic.

San Sebastian

The film, directed by debutant Lucía Alemany, has competed at the 67th San Sebastian International Film Festival in the new directors section.

Her first film

It is the first film for its starring actress, Carmen Arrufat.

Directorial debut

This is the first feature film by Lucía Alemany, but she directed in 2015 the short film '14 years and one day'. She has also been a part of the production of films such as 'The Olive Tree' and 'In your head'.


The majority of the film's crew is made up of women.

Set in Traiguera

As it is the real story of its director, the movie is set in her same village, Traiguera.

A project started in 2016

Alemany started to write the script in 2016 with Laia Soler, one year after the release of her short film '14 años y un día', and she finally filmed the movie in 2018.

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