Title: Juniper
Year: 2021
- Country: New Zealand
- Language: English
- Length: 94 Minutes (1 hour 34 min)
- Genre: Drama
- Studios: Sandy Lane Productions Celsius Entertainment
- Distributor: Festival Films
The story of 'Juniper' begins with Sam, played by George Ferrier, returning from boarding school. A boarding school that has deprived him of his freedoms because he finds himself in a vicious and self-destructive cycle that will undoubtedly lead to his death. When he arrives home he discovers that his English grandmother, played by Charlotte Rampling, has moved in with him to take care of her.
But Ruth is not just any grandmother, she is a woman who has experienced horror up close. She lived her life as a war photographer with a great hunger for life and an uncontrollable thirst for alcohol. Soon they will begin to confront each other. Sam feels overwhelmed by the wit that the drink gives him and his impudence.
The first meeting between the two will be full of discomfort but the second will be worse, violence will take over the situation. The holidays arrive and these two characters will find themselves abandoned alone in that house, they will only have the presence of the nurse Sarah, a role in charge of Edith Poor.
The film will show us the battle for supremacy of Sam and Ruth, and the particular battle of each one. From the first, the need to cling to life again and from the second, his inevitable acceptance of his upcoming death.
October 13 2023
Charlotte Rampling was always the one
Director Matthew Saville wanted Charlotte Rampling to play Ruth from the start but had doubts about whether he could pull off his idea. "I wasn't sure we could work with her, but I was confident that if she read the script, she might be interested," he said.
The soundtrack
Marlon Williams and Mark Perkins were the two award-winning musicians who provided the soundtrack for 'Juniper'. Something that was a challenge that they could enjoy, since it was the first time they had done something like this. Perkins commented that the film's characters and dialogue had a subtlety that he wanted to be reflected in the music. Williams added that "Mark and I wanted to find natural sounds that complemented Juniper's world."
Adolescence as inspiration
Writer and director Matthew Saville was inspired for 'Juniper' by his own experiences during his adolescence in New Zealand. "Like Sam's character in the movie, my grandmother moved into the family home when I was 17. Her leg was broken and she drank a bottle of gin a day. She broke into the house and became the owner. At that time I didn't really know her. She was quite a character, and it was a crazy experience, but I was by her side until she died?" Saville explained.
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