
'Joker' trivia and fun facts

And the Oscar goes to...

Three of the previous actors who have played the Joker - Jack Nicholson, Heath Ledger, and Jared Leto - are Oscar winners (with Ledger winning for playing The Joker). Joaquin Phoenix has been nominated for an Oscar three times.

A very real make-up

The Joker's make-up is very similar to John Wayne Gacy's, a serial killer who would often entertain children while dressed as "Pogo the clown". This make-up style was shunned by working clowns at the time as they strictly prohibit "sharp" ends in their make up, as it scares children.

DiCaprio as Joker?

When Martin Scorsese was associated as the producer of the film, Leonardo DiCaprio was rumored as main character. None of them ended up working on the project.

Dangerous weight

Joaquin Phoenix lost a lot of weight for his role as the Joker. It was so serious that filming could only be done once, with no opportunity for reshoots. Todd Phillips had to write the script during production.

A beautiful coincidence

Due to differences in time zones the first trailer was released on April 4th in Australia, which is also the birthday of the late Australian actor Heath Ledger, who played the Joker in the Dark Knight (2008)

Joker's mother

Frances McDormand turned down the role of the Arthur Fleck/Joker's mother, Penny.

A silent smile

The song heard in the teaser trailer is 'Smile', composed by comedian Charles Chaplin for his film 'Modern Times'.

Thomas Wayne

Alec Baldwin was announced to play Bruce Wayne's father, Thomas Wayne. However, days later he said he would not do the movie due to scheduling conflicts, adding he was sure that "there are 25 guys who can play that part". Viggo Mortensen also rejected the role.

Worried victims

'Joker' won't be available in the american cinema where the shooting with 12 mortal victims took place during 'The Dark Knight rises' screening.

History in Venice

'Joker' is the first superhero movie winning the Golden Lion for Best Picture in the Venice International Film Festival.

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