'It - Chapter 2' trivia and fun facts
More King
At the same time that Andy Muschietti is writting the script is also working on two other Stephen King's adaptations: 'The Jaunt' and 'Pet Sematary'.
The film's teaser trailer generated 197 million views globally within 24 hours of its release.
There will be flashbacks from when the main character were still childrens.
Just One
The movie adaptation of 'It' was always conceive as just one story divided in two parts.
Together again
James McAvoy and Jessica Chastain starred again in a movie together since 'The Disappearance of Eleanor Rigby' and 'X-Men: Dark Phoenix'.
Novices and experienced
For comic actor Bill Hader, this is his first horror movie. Meanwhile, Jessica Chastain already worked in this genre also being directed by Andy Muschietti, in 'Mama' (2013).
More friendly Pennywise
Killer clown actor Bill Skarsgård has enjoyed more in the set of this movie because they let him talk to and hang out with his adult co-stars. In the first one, he had minimal contact with his child co-stars in so that they would be more genuinely scared of Pennywise once they saw him.
The best replacement
The members of the Loser's Club from the chapter one were asked whom they wanted to play their adult parts: Finn Wolfhard (Richie Tozier) said Bill Hader, and Sophia Lillis (Beverly Marsh) said Jessica Chastain. This two wishes finally came true.
Mutantes before being losers
James McAvoy, Jessica Chastain y Bill Skarsgård have appeard at least in one X-Men movie. James McAvoy have portrayed Charles Xavier since 'X-Men: Primera Generación'. Jessica Chastain is the villain in 'X-Men: Fénix Oscura', y Bill Skarsgård briefly appeared as Zeitgeist in 'Deadpool 2'.