Hotel Explotación: Las Kellys
Hotel Explotación: Las Kellys

'Hotel Explotación: Las Kellys' trivia and fun facts


The film was totally funded by crowdfunding, in order to get rid of bank funds and being able of being free telling the story of these women. The crowdfunding campaign got more than 14,000?.

Theatre Piece

The Kellys wrote their own theatre piece, narrating their daily life.

The "Kellys"

The "Kellys" collective is formed by more than 200,000 workers in Spain, the 97% of them are women. They work long hours, more than they're paid and their working rights are not the same to other workers in terms of illnesses.

Georgina Cisquella

This documentary director and writer, Georgina Cisquella, is a long-career-journalist in Spain Public TV. Diplomatic reporter, TV presenter and movie specialist.

Theatre Piece

The Kellys wrote their own theatre piece, narrating their daily life.

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