'Hidden Figures' videos and trailers

'Hidden Figures' Clip - Engineer #1 0:40

'Hidden Figures' Clip - Engineer #1

Clip with Spanish subtitles of 'Hidden Figures'.

January 5 2017
Featurette 'Hidden Figures' - NASA Legacy 1:36

Featurette 'Hidden Figures' - NASA Legacy

Featurette of 'Hidden Figures'.

January 5 2017
'Hidden Figures' Behind the scenes 1:12

'Hidden Figures' Behind the scenes

A group of Afroamerican women became authentic heroines due to their work at the NASA during the Cold War.

September 21 2016
'Hidden Figures' Spanish trailer 2:53

'Hidden Figures' Spanish trailer

A group of Afroamerican women were responsible of the success of the spacial career of the United States.

September 21 2016
'Hidden Figures' Trailer 3:14

'Hidden Figures' Trailer

Narra la historia no contada de mujeres un grupo de científicas afroamericanas que trabajaron en la NASA durante la era de los derechos civiles.

August 15 2016
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