Harry Benson: Shoot First

Harry Benson: Shoot First
Poster Harry Benson: Shoot First

Title: Harry Benson: Shoot First

Original Title: Harry Benson: Shoot First

Year: 2016


Release Dates

  • United States: November 04 2016


'Harry Benson: Shoot First' is a documentary written and directed by Justin Bare and Matthew Miele. The documentary tells the story of Harry Benson, photographer extraordinaire, whom initially grew in fame when he photographed the Beatles first tour in the USA, during the height of "Beatlemania", in 1964. With never before seen behind the scenes access, we're shown how and when Benson has taken some of the most incredible and intimate photos of the biggest band to ever exist. However, Benson hasn't just photographed the Beatles, he has worked with Winston Churchill, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr, Michael Jackson, Muhammed Ali, and even the Robert F. Kennedy assassination. Benson's work has appeared in several publications, such as Life, Vanity Fair and The New Yorker.



Harry Benson: Shoot First
Harry Benson: Shoot First

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