Gleason's reviews
Media reviews
"Un documental tremendamente emotivo (...) Clay Tweel presenta mucho más que el típico documental inspirador sobre vivir con una enfermedad"
Rolling Stone
"Promueve una conciencia de la ELA que va más allá del desafío más adecuado para cualquier cubo de hielo - y es un logro profundo".
New York Times
"Gleason is incredibly frank about Gleason?s physical suffering and the toll his terrifyingly implacable physical deterioration takes on his marriage".
The Hollywood Reporter
"Gleason made as his illness progressed, the film both documents his rapid physical decline and ponders the many existential issues it raises ? especially for a married couple expecting their first child in a few months. Read full review."
"While fairly straightforward in its attempts to galvanize viewers around efforts to combat the disease, Gleason hits those familiar marks with superb aim."