Galaxy of Terror

Galaxy of Terror
Poster Galaxy of Terror

Title: Galaxy of Terror

Original Title: Galaxy of Terror

Year: 1981


Release Dates

  • United States: October 01 1981


The director Bruce D. Clark writes and directs this science fiction and horror film, considered one of the best known titles of B movies of the 80s. The story is set in Marooned, a desolate dark planet abandoned, which belongs to Morganthus. This planet is very important because the crew of the spaceship Remus got there and was the last place where news of them were obtained. From the Earth get contact the ship and go in search after receiving their S.O.S. call. Captain Trantor organizes a rescue mission to save the crew, the team will have Camprer and Alluma, the latter, a woman with a supernatural ability: high sensitivity to detect extraterrestrial presences. Will they manage to save the survivors of the spacecraft Remus?



Bruce D. Clark Bruce D. Clark


'Galaxy of Terror' Trailer 1:54


Galaxy of Terror
Galaxy of Terror
Galaxy of Terror
Galaxy of Terror
Galaxy of Terror
Galaxy of Terror
Galaxy of Terror
Galaxy of Terror

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