
'Dumbo' trivia and fun facts


Will Smith declined to be on this movie and instead ended up on the live-action remake of 'Aladdin' as the genius.

More human

There are no talking animals in this adaptation as in the 1941 animated film; instead the story is revised to include more human characters, focusing more so on their perspective.

Baby Mine

The cover of "Baby Mine", used in the teaser trailer, is performed by the Norwegian singer-songwriter Aurora Aksnes, and was originally written by Ned Washington and Frank Churchill.


One of the three silent white mice that Milly and Joe bring to Dumbo is dressed similar to Timothy, the mouse from the original film who helps Dumbo.

Fourth collaboration

This film marks the fourth time that Tim Burton works with Danny DeVito and Michael Keaton.

Code name

A code name for this movie was Big Ears.

We will cry

It is said that the live action 'Dumbo' will be more sad than the cartoon.


This is the second Disney film to feature a biracial family after 'A Wrinkle in Time'.

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