Don't Tell

Don't Tell
Poster Don't Tell

Title: Don't Tell

Original Title: La bestia nel cuore

Year: 2005


  • Country: Italy
  • Length: 120 Minutes (2 hour)
  • Budget: €6,000,000
  • Genre: Drama Mystery

Release Dates

  • United States: March 17 2006


Sabina would seem to have a charmed life -- she has a successful career as a voice actress, a loving and supportive relationship with her boyfriend, Franco, and a pair of close friends she can confide in, Maria and Emilia. But Sabina's contented existence is shattered when she inadvertently dredges up a long-dormant memory of how during her childhood she was sexually abused by her father.


  • 2006 Academy Awards (Oscars): 1 0



Cristina Comencini Cristina Comencini

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