'Don't Breathe' trivia and fun facts
Fede Álvarez got inspiration for this movie on growing up in Montevideo, Uruguay.
Belated revelation
The title of the film, 'Don't Breathe', wasn't revealed until its premiere at SXSW 2016.
First title
This film was originally titled 'A Man in the Dark'.
Past together
Director / Writer Fede Alvarez, Writer Rodo Sayagues, Producers Sam Raimi & Rob Tapert, Composer Roque Baños, and actress Jane Levy all worked on Evil Dead (2013) before this movie.
Limited vision
Stephen Lang wore contact lenses that greatly restricted his vision, particularly in low light; the other actors, in the scene taking place in the dark, wore lenses that made them look like they had dilated pupils but also greatly restricted their vision.
Jane Levy and Dylan Minnette, both starring in the movie, share the same birthday. (December 29)
Homemade Instruments
The soundtrack of the film was created taking advantage sounds of the house in which the action takes place. The director Fede Alvarez and composer Roque Baños decided to create music from homemade instruments and sounds of objects abandoned house in Detroit.