'Doctor Sleep' trivia and fun facts

Previous experience adapting King

This is filmmaker Mike Flanagan's second adaptation of a Stephen King novel, since the Netflix film 'Gerald's Game' in 2017.

Stephen King and sequels

Although many of his books share the same universe, the author doesn't usually write continuations to his novels. This is why King had to remember some details from 'The Shining' that he had completely forgotten.

Convincing the author

Mike Flanagan had to convince Stephen King that, although the author does not like it, the film should be a sequel to Kubrick's due to the wide acceptance it has always had.

Danny's age

Ewan McGregor's age is practically the same as Danny Lloyd's, who played Danny Torrance in 'The Shining' (1980). McGregor is only two years older.

Possibles Danny Torrence

Besides Ewan McGregor, Dan Stevens, Chris Evans, Matt Smith and Jeremy Renner were considered and have met with the director for the lead role. Even John Cusack had expressed interest.

Recycled characters

Ewan McGregor will play a character already known to the public, as he did with Obi-Wan Kenobi or Christopher Robin.

The original idea

Stephen King decided to write the sequel of 'The Shining' in 1998 during a book signing when a fan asked him about what had happened to Danny Torrance.

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