Title: Crayon Shin-chan: Shrouded in Mystery! The Flowers of Tenkazu Academy
Original Title: Kureyon Shin-chan: Nazo Meki! Hana no Tenkasu Gakuen
Year: 2021
- Saga: Crayon Shin-chan
- Country: Japan
- Length: 101 Minutes (1 hour 41 min)
- Budget: $2,550,000
- Genre: Animation Adventure Comedy
- Studios: Shin-Ei Animation
- Distributor: Alfa Pictures
29th film of the anime series 'Crayon Shin-chan' franchise, which it has become the only Japanese animation film franchise to achieve an annual premiere since its first film, released in 1993, due to the fact that the other two veteran franchise with an annual appointment film, 'Doraemon' and 'Pokémon', had stoppages due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
The film's story begins with Shinnosuke and his friends Kazama, Masao, Nené and Bo-chan, all members of Kasukabe Defence Force, invited to spend a week at the Tenkatôitsu Private Academy in Kasukabe, nicknamed Tenkazu, an elite boarding school administrated by Otsmun, a state-of-the-art AI. All students receive a badge with which they have 1000 points, which Otsmun increases or decreases according to their school performance or behavior. In this way, artificial intelligence is responsible for educating students and an elite point system allows them to have privileges.
Kazama wants to enroll in elementary school at that school and takes the stay very seriously, while Shin-chan and the others don't seem to care much about the school dynamic. Kazama is attacked by a mysterious vampire, causing him to have reduced intellect and strange bite marks on his butt. Shin-chan, Bo-chan, Nené and Masao team up with Chishio, a former athlete and school board president who dropped out of school, to solve the mystery.
Directed by Wataru Takahashi and written by Kimiko Ueno, 'Crayon Shin-chan: Shrouded in Mystery! The Flowers of Tenkazu Academy'. A Shin-Ei Animation production.
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2011 - 2019