Condorito: The Movie

Condorito: The Movie
Poster Condorito: The Movie

Title: Condorito: The Movie

Original Title: Condorito: La película

Year: 2017


Release Dates

  • United States: January 12 2018


The popular Chilean comicbook character, Condorito, has arrived to the big screen in 'Condorito: The Movie'. This 3D animated adaptation brings a new and modern take on the character. Condorito is the best football player on the Pelotillehue team, the football team of his fictional town. On this adventure, the most popular bird on Chile, will go on a great adventure with his son in law Coné, with the main goal of saving planet Earth and his loved ones from an alien invasion. The movie features his girlfriend, the beautiful Yayita as well as his mother in low Doña Tremebunda, who has been abducted by the evil alien.

The movie is directed by Alex Orrelle and Eduardo Schuldt and it will be distributed by Sola Media.




Condorito: The Movie
Condorito: The Movie
Condorito: The Movie
Condorito: The Movie
Condorito: The Movie
Condorito: The Movie
Condorito: The Movie
Condorito: The Movie


'Condorito' creation

'Condorito' was created by René Rios Boettiger in August 6, 1949.

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