Cock and Bull

Cock and Bull
Poster Cock and Bull

Title: Cock and Bull

Original Title: Cock and Bull

Year: 2016


  • Country: China
  • Length: 110 Minutes (1 hour 50 min)
  • Genre: Crime

Release Dates

  • United States: September 16 2016


'Cock and Bull' is the cleverly told murder story directed by Baoping Cao. When a murder occurs in a small town in Southeast China, a local mechanic, known for his honesty, comes under suspicion. The police immediately target him in pursuit of finding the culprit, and as a result, he is forced to try and exonerate himself. Whilst doing this he uncovers a number of disturbing facts, many bigger than the initial crime.


Ye Liu

Ye Liu

Song Lao'er

Yi Zhang

Yi Zhang

Dong Xiaofeng


Cock and Bull trailer 1:22

Cock and Bull trailer

September 21 2016


Cock and Bull
Cock and Bull
Cock and Bull

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