Claire Darling
Claire Darling

'Claire Darling' trivia and fun facts

Mother and daughter

Catherine Devenue and Chiara Mastroianni are mother and daughter in real life, because of the relation between Devenue and filmaker Marcelo Mastronianni.

Based on a book

'Claire Darling' is the adaptation of Lynda Rutledge's novel, 'Faith Bass Darling's Last Garage Sale'.

A Cannes director

Julie Bertucelli won the Critics' Week Award with her film 'Depuiis qu'Otar est partie...' (2003).

Playing with time

The film plays with two different time levels: one from the Claire Darling's lifeline in her memory and other from the real time, the 24-hours of the day.

Learning with the top

Julie Bertucelli worked as director assistant of the most prestigious directors, like Otar Iosseliani, Krystof Kieslowski, Bertrand Tavernier, Emmanuel Finkiel or Rithy Panh.

Like her main character

The director, Julie Bertucelli, has recognized that she is "a great object's collector".

Based on a novel

The film is an adaptation from american novel "Faith Bass Darling´s Last Garage Sale".

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