Children of Heaven

Children of Heaven
Poster Children of Heaven

Title: Children of Heaven

Original Title: Children of Heaven

Year: 1997


  • Country: Iran
  • Length: 89 Minutes (1 hour 29 min)
  • Budget: $180,000
  • Genre: Adventure Drama Family
  • Age rating: 12 (Suitable for 12 years and over)

Release Dates

  • United States: January 22 1999


When Ali loses his sister Zahra's school shoes, this young pair dream up a plan to stay out of trouble: they'll share his shoes and keep it a secret from their parents! But if they're going to successfuly cover their tracks, Ali and Zahra must carefully watch their step on what rapidly turns into a funny and heartwarming adventure!


  • 1999 Academy Awards (Oscars): 1 0


Majid Majidi Majid Majidi

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