'Chappie' videos and trailers

'Chappie' Interview with Neill Blomkamp
We talked to the 'District 9' director, who presents his new creation, a robot with conscience

'Chappie' Interview with Dev Patel
We spoke with the British actor, who is the star of Neill Blomkamp's new film

'Chappie' Interview with Hugh Jackman

Interview with Sigourney Weaver, 'Chappie'
We spoke with the famous actress, who appears in Neill Blomkamp's new film

'Chappie' Red Carpet in Berlin
We spoke with Hugh Jackman, Sigourney Weaver, Dev Patel and Neill Blomkamp about their new film

Sigourney Weaver and Hugh Jackman react to the death of Leonard Nimoy
Sigourney Weaver and Hugh Jackman show their condolences on the death of actor Leonard Nimoy, during a fan event 'Chappie' in Berlin

Not My Fault 'Chappie' Clip
The group of police robots attasck a group of rebeldes, automatically, watching their modus-operandi and the danger for the humans.

Burn to Ash 'Chappie' Clip
Vicent Moore, an police agent, convinces his superior for attacking with his own robot to 'Chappie', because he considered to be a threat to society.

'Chappie' trailer #2
Chappie different from anyone else: he is a robot. The first robot with the ability to think and feel for himself.

'Chappie' Trailer
Every child comes into the world full of promise, and none more so than Chappie: he is gifted, special, a prodigy