
'Carol' trivia and fun facts

Phyllis Nagis has written two films in her whole career. Both movies' titles consist of female names.

The second adaptation of a Patricia Highsmith novel that Blanchett has starred in, the first being The Talented Mr.Ripley (1999).

Phyllis Nagy was friends with Patricia Highsmith.

Phyllis Nagy wrote the first draft of the script in 1996.

Todd Haynes got his cinematic references of the 1950s from the work of Morris Engel and especially his "Little Fugitive" (1953), which he co-directed with Ray Ashley.

Film4 outgoing boss Tessa Ross said they had battled for 11 years to get the film made.

John Crowley was attached to direct when the movie was announced in 2012.

The film received a standing ovation at its Cannes Film Festival international press screening and premiere.

The cinematographic look was inspired by the photography of Vivian Maier.

This is Todd Haynes and Cate Blanchett's second film collaboration, and Haynes and costume designer Sandy Powell's third film collaboration. This is also the third film Powell and Blanchett have worked on.

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