Bartolomé Bermejo: El despertar de un genio

Bartolomé Bermejo: El despertar de un genio
Poster Bartolomé Bermejo: El despertar de un genio

Title: Bartolomé Bermejo: El despertar de un genio

Original Title: Bartolomé Bermejo: El despertar de un genio

Year: 2024



This documentary tells the life and work of the Córdoba painter Bartolomé Bermejo through different flashbacks. After falling into oblivion for four hundred years, the discovery of one of his works in 20th century Paris put the artist on everyone's lips. That work was specifically a Gothic panel that represented Saint Engracia, a Christian martyr from the 4th century.

However, how did it get there? That is the question that this title tries to resolve upon telling the events that marked Bermejo's life throughout the 15th century. It would be in this centenary when the artist was influenced by the awakening and establishment of new pictorial currents, as well as the arrival of the Spanish Inquisition, which would not make things easy for him. In addition, the documentary will also travel to the future to review the most remarkable museums that keep his works throughout the planet: the Museo del Prado or the Isabella Stewart Gardner, for example.

This tribute also seeks to close the 'Bermejo cycle' initiated by the Museo del Prado and the Museo Nacional de Arte de Cataluña in 2019. 'Bartolomé Bermejo: El despertar de un genio' is directed by José Manuel Herraiz, member of the Spanish Film Academy.


Bartolomé Bermejo: El despertar de un genio
Bartolomé Bermejo: El despertar de un genio
Bartolomé Bermejo: El despertar de un genio

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