Asteroid City Asteroid City
Asteroid City
Asteroid City

'Asteroid City Asteroid City' trivia and fun facts

It's like hand in glove

Scarlett Johansson's role, Midge Campbell, was written for her by Wes Anderson.

Faithful composer

Asteroid City is the sixth Wes Anderson movie to be scored by Alexandre Desplat.

An Oscar Cast

The cast includes four Oscar winners: Adrien Brody, Tom Hanks, Fisher Stevens, Tilda Swinton, and ten Oscar nominees: Bob Balaban, Steve Carell, Hong Chau, Bryan Cranston, Willem Dafoe, Matt Dillon, Jeff Goldblum, Scarlett Johansson, Edward Norton, and Margot Robbie.

Great experience

Bryan Cranston said the filming of this movie was very familial where the actors would have nightly banquets. He referred to it as "fulfilling an actor's dream camp" and said filming this movie was not easy but was a great experience.

Spanish filming

Initially rumored to have been shot in Rome but locations have been changed to Chinchón in Madrid.

¿Where is Bill Murray?

Wes Anderson's first film to not feature Bill Murray since Bottle Rocket (1996), his directorial debut.

Bill Murray was originally cast in Steve Carell's role, but contracted COVID-19 shortly before filming. He had to withdraw from the production. This is actually the second time Steve Carell has taken over a role from Bill Murray, as Murray was the first ch

Steve Carrell VS Bill Muray

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