Apollo 11
Apollo 11

'Apollo 11' trivia and fun facts

Music of that time

All the instruments used for the soundtrack were available in 1969.

Sundace Festival

The film premiered in Sundace Festival, where it won the U.S. Documentary Special Jury Award for Editing

Improved material

The team that put together this documentary used the work that Ben Feist did when he increased the quality of 11,000 hours of digitized audio recordings of taken during the Apollo 11 launch, according to an article in the New York Times on March 8, 2019. Feist also detailed the recordings by minute and second, making it easier for the documentary team to sync up audio and video sequences.

Recordings by the astronauts

Several of the recordings captured by the astronauts during the mission are featured in this documentary. These recordings by Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins earned them honorary memberships in the American Society of Cinematographers.

Mission rules

In an interview in the March 8, 2019 New York Times, documentary filmmaker Todd Douglas Miller stated that his crew had their own mission rules regarding the footage used in the film: ""We did have kind of our own mission rules. We said, if it didn't happen on that day at that specific time, we're not using it." He did say that he did break this rule on several occasions, using shots from Apollo 8's propulsive push rather than Apollo 11's but that he would document where he used different clips from other launches.

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