
'Anna' trivia and fun facts

Advanced Czech Republic

Another chronological failure that happens in his argument is that the protagonist is sent to the Czech Republic in 1991. When in fact this country did not really become configured until 1993.

Besson's model

With '[ANNA]'. Luc Besson continues with his classic strategy of choosing a model to play the role of the protagonist


This movie shares many story similarities with one of Luc Besson's previous films, Nikita (1990), and its American remake Point of No Return (1993).

Film connection

Anna, without family, travels to Paris. This makes a parallel and refers to the movie and musical "Anastasia".

An unfortunate cashier

There is chronological failure in the film in which an ATM is involved when they did not arrive in Russia until 1994 (appearing in the film years ago).

Fast & Furious

This film is the second reunion of two well-known actors like Helen Mirren and Luke Evans, who had already met previously with the eighth movie of 'Fast and Furious'

Outdated technology

On many occasions, technological devices that existed long before shown in the film are shown


Piotr's tattoo, "Gott mit uns", means "God with us." Biblical in origin, it has heraldic connections and has been used as a war cry in Sweden.

Second time

Second big screen appearance by Sasha Luss, both times directed by Luc Besson. This time, she's the main cast.

Different nationalities

Of the main cast playing Russian characters, only Sasha Luss is Russian in real life. Luke Evans was born in Wales; dame Helen Mirren is English, but has Russian ancestry in real life. Cillian Murphy is Irish but plays an American.

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