Anna and the apocalypse
Anna and the apocalypse

'Anna and the apocalypse' trivia and fun facts

Descanse en paz

The film closes with a dedication to Ryan McHenry - McHenry, who sadly passed away in 2015, wrote and directed the short film Zombie Musical (2011) from which this feature film was adapted.

Musical cameo

During the scene when Lisa sings her song at the school's Christmas concert, the man seen playing keyboard is Tommy Reilly, who co-wrote the music for the film.

Hidden zombie

American actor Tyler Collins, who starred in director John McPhail's previous film, Where Do We Go From Here? (2015), has a brief, uncredited non-speaking role as a zombie during the scene when the undead attack the bowling alley.


Many in the cast, including its stars, saw the film for the first time at the film's premiere at Fantastic Fest in Austin Texas.

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