
'Aladdin' videos and trailers

Guy Ritchie ('Aladdin'): "The problem is there wasn't enough Genie in the trailer"
Guy Ritchie, director of the new 'Aladdín', tell us how they created a Genie different from Robin William's.
May 18 2019

'Aladdin': 'I wish to become a prince' Exclusive clip
The genie teaches Aladdin how to order his wishes and shows off his tremendous powers.
May 16 2019

Will Smith sings 'Prince Ali' in 'Aladdin'
One of the iconic songs from 'Aladdin' performed by Will Smith.
May 14 2019

'Aladdin' Trailer
Disney's 'Aladdin' live action remake takes us into the cave of wonders
March 12 2019

'Aladdin' Teaser Trailer
Disney gives once again the live action treatment to one of its classics. Here, Will Smith plays the infamous Genie.
October 11 2018
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