A Far Off Place

A Far Off Place
Poster A Far Off Place

Title: A Far Off Place

Original Title: A Far Off Place

Year: 1993


Release Dates

  • UK: August 13 1993
  • United States: March 12 1993


Two strangers must discover courage and strength when they begin a journey across the treacherous African desert. Equipped with only their wits and the expertise of a native bushman who befriends them, they are determined to triumph over impossible odds and reach their destination. But along the way, the trio face a primitive desert wilderness teeming with deadly obstacles, including wild animals, ruthless poachers and severe weather conditions.



Mikael Salomon Mikael Salomon

Reese Witherspoon

Reese Witherspoon

Nonnie Parker

Jack Thompson

Jack Thompson

John Ricketts

Jack Thompson

Jack Thompson

John Ricketts

Ethan Embry

Ethan Embry

Harry Winslow

Maximilian Schell

Maximilian Schell

Col. Mopani Theron

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